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The 6 Best Selfie Apps for iPhone and iPad

Now that we can photograph anything at a moment’s notice, it’s easier than ever to get great pictures of yourself. If you’re tired of using the same old camera app on your smartphone, there are some apps out there that’ll help you spice up your normal selfies. 

With apps like these, you can get access to new effects, photo filters, stickers, and more features you can use to change up your selfies however you wish. There are lots of apps out there dedicated to selfie-taking, and many of them might not work as well as they seem. So here is a list of some of the best selfie apps so you can skip searching and get to posing for photos. 

The 6 Best Selfie Apps for iPhone and iPad

1. Facetune 2

Facetune is well known for being used to edit and refine facial features in selfie photos. It has lots of editing options to touch up photos, but there are also many creative editing features you can use. For example, you can change the backdrop of your photo, paint over it, use filters, and more. 

The 6 Best Selfie Apps for iPhone and iPad

You can also do things like changing your hair color to see how you’d look with something different, or change the design of your clothing. This app is free to use, but if you want access to many more features you’ll have to pay.

2. BeautyPlus

This app is also an all-in-one selfie editor, and you can also take photos and videos directly within the app. From there, you can also add filters while using the camera that can alter your facial features or add effects. 

The 6 Best Selfie Apps for iPhone and iPad

Once you take a photo or select one from your camera roll, you’ll be able to edit it with things like makeup features, smoothing, reshaping, and more. You can also edit the lighting, add pre-made filters, or add stickers, borders, text, and more.

BeautyPlus Premium allows you to use all features, but you can also use many for free. It has plenty of settings as well to help you get some amazing photos. Give it a try for free and then buy the Premium version for more features. 

3. FaceApp

This app got popular for its face-altering features, such as being able to make you look old, see what you’d look like as another gender, or do a face swap with someone else. It also has the typical photo editing features to edit your selfies as well. 

The 6 Best Selfie Apps for iPhone and iPad

The face-changing features make for some funny photos, and the app detects your face well if you use clear pictures. Also, much of the app is free to use, though there are some features behind a paywall. This app is great for its selfie editing tools or just for a laugh alone. 

4. AirBrush

With AirBrush, you can take your selfie directly in the app using your camera. The thing about AirBrush that makes it unique is that it applies any edits you make in real-time so that you can see how it looks on the camera before you take a photo. The interface is very Snapchat-like, so if you have experience using that this app will probably be easy to get used to. 

The 6 Best Selfie Apps for iPhone and iPad

However, you can also upload a photo you’ve already taken and edit it that way as well. A nice feature this app has is a button you can use to see the original photo compared to your edited photo. Like other selfie apps, a lot of features will require you to subscribe to their premium plan. Yet there are enough free features to be able to try it out and create some nice selfies. 

5. YouCam Makeup

YouCam Makeup has a lot of features available, and its focus is more on makeup than anything else. If you want to see how a certain makeup style might look on you, it’s a nice app to do so, though the pictures may not come out looking very realistic.

If you want to create some more artsy photos though, YouCam has plenty of options. There are also some touch-up features like reshaping, toning, brightening, and more. 

The 6 Best Selfie Apps for iPhone and iPad

Besides the photo editing, there is also a community aspect of the app where you can watch others do makeup or post makeup looks. You can also have the app analyze your face to look at your skin and see where you may have problem areas. If you’re into makeup, YouCam is a great app to use for selfies or other things makeup-related. 

6. Lensa

Lensa is an amazing selfie editor for realistic edits without too much retouching. It does a good job of analyzing the face to make accurate changes that don’t look off-putting, which can be an issue with a lot of selfie editing apps. So if you’re looking for more of a natural selfie editor, Lensa is just right. 

The 6 Best Selfie Apps for iPhone and iPad

With the free version of Lensa, you can only edit up to three photos a day, but all features are available for you to use. Take a few shots and buy the app if you want to use the app for more than three photos. You can upgrade to a yearly, monthly, or weekly plan.