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How To Turn On Persistent Notifications For Apps In iOS 11

We all know the importance of notifications, as they help keep track of messages and chats. However, if you are an iPhone user then you must be familiar with the annoyingly short duration of notifications that is almost useless. No doubt that this helps prevent cluttering of notifications on screen, but many a times it also results in important ones getting missed. Especially when your device is not by your side.

Though it is more than a week, since iOS 11 was rolled out. However, there are plenty of features that are yet to be unearthed by users. In a fashion that is totally unique to Apple products, iOS 11 is bundled with tons of new and exciting features that users have no clue about.

Must Read: Time to Update your iPhone to iOS 11 and Appreciate its Features

Therefore in this article, we are going to talk about persistent notifications a feature that was introduced with iOS 11.

Hopefully in iOS 11 Apple shows its concern towards the quick fading of notifications and launched an all new feature which let the notifications last all long unless and until you swipe it with your finger. If it really sounds this feature interesting then continue reading this article till end.

How To Enable This Feature For iOS 11?

By default, this feature is disabled, therefore you should enable it from the Settings.

  1. Tap on the Settings icon on your iOS device to open Setting menu. Now in the Setting menu tap on Notification.
    How To Turn On Persistent Notifications For Apps In iOS 11
  2. This will open the list of all the apps which push the notifications. Please note that you have to individually enable persistent notification for each app. There is still no feature using which you can enable persistent notifications for all apps. Tap on the app for which you wish to enable persistent notification.
    How To Turn On Persistent Notifications For Apps In iOS 11
  3. Now in the notification settings of that app scroll a bit and tap on Persistent option.
    How To Turn On Persistent Notifications For Apps In iOS 11

Now you have successfully enabled persistent notification for that app. It means that when this app displays any notifications they won’t automatically fade and remain visible until you swipe them off screen.

Next Read: Now Record Your Screen With Your iPhone And iOS 11

So, guys, now it’s time for you to choose any of your favorite app and enable persistent notifications for it. If you have any difficulties following these steps, please write in comments below and we’ll get back to you.