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If your iPhone keeps asking you to Sign into iCloud

This issue is usually seen on the older iPhones where the phone keeps on asking the user to enter their iCloud password even though they have entered and logged in numerous times. This is likely triggered due to an issue with the software or network connection.

If your iPhone keeps asking you to Sign into iCloud

What makes the iPhone want you to Sign in continuously and how to fix it?

We found the underlying causes to be:

  • Glitch: In some cases, the error is just triggered due to a glitch which the mobile might have acquired while starting up or due to any other reason. These sorts of glitches occur all the time with iPhones and in most cases, can easily be fixed by a simple restart.
  • Network Settings: It is possible that your network settings have been configured in such a way that iCloud is unable to sign in to their servers and this is triggering the error. iCloud requires that all the network settings are configured properly so that the connection can be established with their servers. This might also trigger the Cellular Update Failed error.
  • Software Issue: In some cases, there might be a software update available for your iPhone which you might not have installed so far. It is important that you update your software to the latest version to achieve the full functionality of the phone and to avoid bugs/glitches. New Updates come with improvements and patch fixes for these sorts of bugs. If you are unable to install updates consult the Error Occured while installing iOS article.
  • Facetime/iMessage: It is also possible that the Facetime/iMessage features might have glitched out and they might be interfering with certain functionalities of the phone due to which the error is being triggered. These features are known to cause issues with certain features. In some cases, they might be Waiting For Activation which might trigger this issue.

Solution 1: Resetting Network Settings

If the Network Settings aren’t configured properly or if they were disturbed by an application or the user, the error might be triggered. Therefore, in this step, we will be resetting the Network Settings. For that:

  1. Click on the “Settings” icon and select the “General” button.If your iPhone keeps asking you to Sign into iCloud
  2. Select the “Reset” option and click on the “Reset Network Settings” button.If your iPhone keeps asking you to Sign into iCloud
  3. Confirm your action and wait for the phone to reset the settings.
  4. Sign in to your Wifi again and check to see if the issue persists.

Solution 2: Checking for Updates

In some cases, the error is triggered due to the software being old. Therefore, it is recommended to check if there are any available software updates for the model and install them as soon as possible. For that:

  1. Click on the “Settings” icon to open the settings.
  2. Scroll down and select the “General” option.If your iPhone keeps asking you to Sign into iCloud
  3. Click on the “Software Update” button and select the “Download and Install” option.If your iPhone keeps asking you to Sign into iCloud
  4. Wait for the updates to be downloaded and installed.
  5. After restarting, check to see if the issue persists.

Solution 3: Signing-In to iCloud Again

If the iCloud feature still seems to be glitched out, we will be signing-in to it again after signing out completely. To do that:

  1. Click on the “Settings” icon and select your “Profile Name”.
  2. Click on the “iCloud” option and select “Sign Out”.If your iPhone keeps asking you to Sign into iCloud
  3. Confirm your actions and wait for it to sign out.
  4. Wait for at least 5 minutes and then sign in again using your login information.

Solution 4: Turning FaceTime On and OFF

It is possible that the FaceTime feature might be interrupting with the functionality of some features. Therefore, in this step, we will be turning it ON after turning it OFF for some time. For that:

  1. Click on the “Settings” icon on the main screen and select the “Facetime” option.If your iPhone keeps asking you to Sign into iCloud
  2. Click on the “toggle” to turn the feature OFF.
  3. Wait for at least 5 minutes and click on the toggle again to turn it ON.
  4. Check to see if the issue goes away.

Solution 5: Turning iMessage ON and OFF

In some cases, the iMessage Feature might be interfering with important system functions due to which this bug might be triggered. Therefore, in this step, we will be turning it OFF and then turn it ON after some time. For that:

  1. Click on the “Settings” icon on the main screen and select the “iMessage” button.
  2. Click on the “Toggle” and turn it OFF.If your iPhone keeps asking you to Sign into iCloud
  3. Wait for at least 5 minutes and click on the toggle again to turn it ON.
  4. Check to see if the issue persists.

Note: Also check if the Apple servers are functioning properly and are online. In order to do that, visit this page on any web browser and look for the server status.