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Outlook Will Not Respond To Signature

This usually happens if Outlook is corrupt – it will not respond to the signature button. In this guide, we show you the step by step work around to get signature workings by creating an htm signature and placing it in the Outlook Signature File. 

Locate the Outlook Signature Folder. The default locations for the signature folder are:

Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures

Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8

OR Access The Signatures Folder From Outlook

Another way to quickly access this folder from within Outlook is to hold the CTRL button on your keyboard when clicking the Signatures… button in Options;

  • Outlook 2007 and previous
    Tools-> Options…-> tab Mail Format-> button Signatures
  • Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
    File-> Options-> Mail-> button Signatures…

Once you have found the signature folder, keep it open.

Create An HTM Signature For Outlook

1. To create the htm signature, go to and clear the default text in the editor window.

2. Then, create your signature. CKEditor is a word like editor, so use the rich text bar at the top to edit/modify and stylize your signature.

3. Then click the Source Tab, and copy the source.
Outlook Will Not Respond To Signature

4. Go to the Signature Folder and right click in an empty space, and select “New Text Document”

Outlook Will Not Respond To Signature

Outlook Will Not Respond To Signature

5. Open the Text Document and paste the signature source.

Outlook Will Not Respond To Signature

6. Click File -> Save As and set the File Name, what ever the file name is will be the name of your signature. At the end of the file name, add .htm so the file can be saved as an .htm file.

Outlook Will Not Respond To Signature

7. Choose “All Files” from “Save As Type” and click Save.

8. This signature is now saved.

9. Close and Re-Open Outlook, and now when you click the Signature button, you will be able to choose the signature.

Outlook Will Not Respond To Signature