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Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Certainly, iPhone has a stable position in the market as it urges to come up with new features and spectacular interface every year. Apple developers are continuously working hard and coming up with features to please the users. This time, Apple introduced its first bezel-less iPhone, iPhone X, to keep up the level of competition. As Apple believe in promoting new technology, the tech giant dared to replace Touch with Face ID (facial recognition). It is an ultimate way to unlock your iPhones and use Apple Pay, which was an exciting and revolutionary step for Apple. However, as Face ID is the new feature, there is a lot of room for improvement.

So, today we are going to discuss how to make Face ID work faster on iPhone X.

Disable Require Attention to Face ID

It is important to disable this feature, as TrueDepth camera add a superfluous coated layer of safety that safeguard and validate your attentiveness at the time when you’re looking at your phone’s screen. Moreover, by adding the additional layer of security, your phone performs a bit slower than usual.

How To Disable Require Attention To Face ID

Step 1: Unlock your iPhone X and Go to Settings.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Step 2: Select ‘General’.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Step 3: Click on Accessibility.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Step 4: Choose ‘Face ID & Attention’ and scroll down until you find ‘Require Attention for Face ID’.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Step 5: Now, toggle off to disable ‘Require Attention for Face ID’.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Note: You will receive a message on your screen ‘Requiring Attention Makes Face ID More Secure’. Click on ‘OK’ to processed and type in down your passcode to toggle off ‘Require Attention for Face ID’.

Now, after making the required changes, you don’t need to be devoted to unlocking your smartphone.

Avoid Sunglasses

Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

In case, you’re wearing your favorite sunglasses make sure they are transparent to the infrared sensors of the facial recognition system.

As Face ID works on IR for Attention Detection feature and sometimes sunglasses don’t allow IR to pass through. You can either remove your sunglasses at the time of Face ID authentication or wear sunglasses that don’t block IR. Otherwise, you might face issues while unlocking your device.

Keep An Optimal Distance

Face ID works perfectly well when you have an optimal distance between you and your phone. Ideally, it should be 25-50 Centimeters. It is the same distance you maintain when you browse something on your phone. Some people have a habit of keeping their phone close to their face, that’s the culprit which delays unlocking their phones.  Next time you lift your iPhone X to unlock it try keeping it to the aforementioned optimal distance to make it work faster.

Keep Your Display Neat And Clean

The TrueDepth camera feature takes time to identify your face with the black notch, which is actually your screen’s fault, not yours. However, keeping your screen neat and clean is your responsibility. As dregs, dirt and oily sweaty fingerprints create unwanted obstacles from recognizing your face.

Your Face Should Be Focused

Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

When you’re focused on something you get better results and the same way Face ID works well when keep your face focused. The TrueDepth camera system refers to 30,000 infrared light beams to recognize your face.

Whenever you’re in bright sunlight or in a disc with advanced lighting conditions, try to change the angle while using Face ID feature. You always receive an impressive result when there is the right amount of light exposure between your face and iPhone.

Keep Your Device Up-to-Date

With every update, you get better features and bug fixes which improves the overall device performance. So, it is recommended to keep your phone updated to enhance the speed of your device.

How To Check For New Software Update:

Step 1: Locate Settings.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Step 2: Go to ‘General’.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Step 3: Now, select the second option ‘Software Update’.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Note: If there is a software update available, it will be highlighted. Tap oh Software Update and then tap on Download and Install to get the update installed.

Reset Your Face ID, if it’s required.

If due to xyz reason, if the Face ID is not working the way it should, the last resort is to reset your Face ID.  Moreover, there is no harm in deleting prior Face ID data and resetting a new one.

Follow the below commands to Reset your Face ID:

Step 1: Navigate to Settings.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Step : 2 Tap on  ‘General’ and Choose ‘Accessibility’.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Step 3: Click on ‘Face ID & Passcode’.
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Step 4: Choose ‘Reset Face ID’
Make Face ID Work Faster On iPhone X

Step 4: Now, you will notice same Face ID setup wizard, which you used on at the time of Face Id setup. Well, this time make sure you are surrounded by a greater contrast and avoid dark and tedious backgrounds.

Step 5: Hit on ‘Get Started’ and gently move your head to complete the circle. The moment you’re done with your first scan, click on ‘Continue’.

Step 6: Now, one more time softly and slowly move your head to complete the circle for the second time.

Step 7: That’s it, your Face ID is reset now.

Now, you know how to make your Face ID work faster on iPhone X. Use the feature to appreciate advance technology and developer’s hard work.  Don’t forget to let us know your thoughts in the comments below.