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How to Reset Data Usage Readings in Windows 10

While worrying about data usage isn't as prevalent on PCs as it is on mobile, you may still have concerns about it -- especially if you tether to your phone. In those cases, you want to make sure you're only using the data you need, and not letting Windows waste it.

Unfortunately, Windows 10 features plenty of ways to waste your bandwidth. You can view how much data Windows has used with its built-in meter, but there's no obvious way to clear it. Here's what to do.

Open Settings and go to Network & Internet. Click the Data Usage tab on the left to see how much data you've used in the last 30 days, on both wireless and wired. You can click View usage details to see specifics on how much data each app has used. If your data plan resets on a certain day every month, clearing it gives you a clearer idea of how much space you have left.

For that, you can manually clear the data via a Safe Mode workaround, but that's clunky. An easier way is using the simple Reset Data Usage utility. Simply install it from its page, and once you open it you'll see a Reset Data Usage button. Click this and it will reset all the data usage to zero.

How to Reset Data Usage Readings in Windows 10

If you'd rather back up the current data first, visit Menu > Backup Manager. This will let you create a backup so you don't forget how much data you used in a previous month. If using too much data on the go is a problem for you, check out how to find free Wi-Fi no matter where you go.

How much data did you use in the past 30 days before clearing it? Let us know your record by leaving a comment!

Image Credit: fotogestoeber via Shutterstock