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Creating an automatically maximized tkinter window

There are two different ways in which we can get an automatically maximized window in Tkinter.

  • We can use the state() method of Tkinter and invoke it with the attribute "zoomed".
  • The second approach is to use the attributes method of Tkinter with the parameter "-fullscreen" and set it to True.

By default, Tkinter creates a window of a predefined size. The dimensions of the window can be customized using the geometry method. For example,

root.geometry("700 x 350")

Example 1

# Import the required libraries
from tkinter import *

# Create an instance of tkinter frame

# Create a label
Label(root, text="Welcome to Tutorialspoint", font="Calibri, 20").pack(pady=20)

# Maximize the window Size using state property



It will produce the following output −

Creating an automatically maximized tkinter window

Example 2

Now, let's tweak the code and use the attribute method instead of the state method.

# Import the required libraries
from tkinter import *

# Create an instance of tkinter frame

# Create a label
Label(root, text="Welcome to Tutorialspoint", font="Calibri, 20").pack(pady=20)

# Maximize the window Size using attributes method
root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)



It will produce the following output −

Creating an automatically maximized tkinter window