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Fix: Hotmail/Outlook showing wrong time on e-mails

Hotmail is a mail service by Microsoft which has been one of the best email clients all around the world. In fact, it was the world’s first free web mail service. Hotmail was changed to Outlook by Microsoft in 2012 but it was embedded with a lot of new features as well as unlimited free storage to its users.

A majority of users have reported an issue while using their email accounts on hotmail i.e. hotmail is showing wrong time stamp on emails which are sent and received. Definitely no one likes to have a wrong time on their emails as it becomes pretty hard to keep the record in a decent way. So, this problem needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

Reason Behind the Problem Hotmail is Showing Wrong Time Stamp on Emails:

This is not a bug or error inside hotmail email client. This problem is related to Time Zone settings of your Email account. So, it can be resolved comfortably.

Solution to Fix the Problem “Hotmail is Showing Wrong Time Stamp on Emails”:

As I mentioned above, it is not an error inside the hotmail service, instead, it is related to the settings of your account that can be easily modified. So, follow the instructions below to get it done.

1. Open hotmail and sign-in using your account credentials.

2. Inside your email panel, click on a circular settings icon located at the top right of the window sitting before your name. It would show a list of options. At the near bottom, click on Options to navigate to the Options panel.

Fix: Hotmail/Outlook showing wrong time on e-mails

3. Inside Options, click on first option i.e. Account details (password, addresses, time zone) under Managing your account

Fix: Hotmail/Outlook showing wrong time on e-mails

4. On the next page, navigate to the Personal Info section and click on Edit link in order to change your Time Zone settings.

Fix: Hotmail/Outlook showing wrong time on e-mails

5. After clicking on the Edit link, you would be able to edit your account info as well as time zone. Scroll down the page and select your appropriate Country and City. After they are selected correctly, scroll down a bit and select your relevant Time Zone from the select box. Click on Save button afterwards to save the settings.

Fix: Hotmail/Outlook showing wrong time on e-mails

6. Now, send an email to your account using another account and see if this problem is resolved.