It becomes a huge mess when your account password gets in the hands of unknown intruders and all your secure and private data is leaked within no time. No, we don’t mean to scare you right here, but you need to realize the sensitivity of the whole situation. Creating strong passwords has become a need of the time in today’s cyber world so that hackers cannot get any chance to violate your privacy.
Let’s walk through how to create secure passwords before moving to the next section of remembering it.
How To Create Strong Passwords?
The All-Time Conventional Ideas To Create Strong Password :
- Longer the passwords, the better they are! To make a strong password, keep it at least 12 to 14 characters long.
- Special Characters are the basic requirement. Upper case, lower case, symbols like $, @, #, etc. and numbers must be present within the password to make it unbreakable.
- Don’t try to be obvious with your passwords. Your name combined with birthdate is a simple way to get into your personal space. For example, KerinMalloy25, these types of passwords are the easiest to crack. Don’t even go with something like 123456$%^ or 654321$# etc.
Talk Some Unconventional Ideas To Create Strong Password :
- Where you must stay away from easy guesses of people around you, strong password examples itself as Person-Action-Object (PAO) method. What is it? Well, you have to select something like Teacher-Checks-Notebook as an action according to your memorable sight or picture. In fact, Mother-Cooking-Chicken could be your best memory when she last visited. Now combine its first 2-3 words and make a strong password.
- Combining the initials of your family members or reversing the name of your street can help you create another strong password.
- Use a post paper and write a sentence on whose initials could be easily remembered anytime. An example of a strong password reads like ‘[email protected]’ which has been abbreviated from ‘My Home Is On Barkley Street, 25’. You tend not to forget such a basic but posting a note always makes you remember the word sequence.
- A webcomic has explained the concept of a strong password through the webcomic in a fun and exciting manner. Check it out!

Additional Tip:
- Do not use the same password for all the accounts. You will be at greater risk of getting hacked from all directions.
- Do not write down your password anywhere on the desktop or notebook and avoid sharing it with anyone.
These tips are essential after creating strong password.
How To Remember Strong Passwords?
Though we have already explained how you can remember and create a strong password in the unconventional methods above, we can still suggest a better and effective example.
Using Password Manager solves out most of your solutions related to the password like:
- Password Managers ask you to remember only one solid master password instead of keeping an account of so many passwords for various accounts.
- It keeps your accounts locked under strong encryption so that no one can get a chance to decode it and steal any information.
- It allows you to log-in without any worries by saving the login credentials of the website in its chamber. Your login page is automatically synced with the password manager.
- In case you want to view the individual password for an account, you can easily do the same.
- Online security feature comes handy with a password manager, even if you have not created individual strong passwords. They make sure that no one can play with your privacy through the browser.
Which Is The Best Password Manager?
No need to remember all the passwords, just one master key can play the game alone. The best and recommended password manager is TweakPass.
Download this user-friendly tool and get started! Install it and let it setup on your PC. TweakPass will itself ask you to fill the signup information, keep a master password and finally a hint.
Make sure you make a strong master password here along with its hint. As the account is ready, this tool automatically browses, lists and saves your login credentials through importing. Cool, right?
To Conclude
After checking strong password examples and methods to create secure passwords, it becomes imperative to remember them. Remembering such complicated passwords can be a hell of a task at times therefore we have recommended you a strong password manager, TweakPass that encrypts your personal information via the AES-256 algorithm.
We believe you wouldn’t need to rotationally make strong passwords within a span of time now as security is a concern of the password manager now.
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