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What Was That Password Again? Recover Your Network Password in Windows

What Was That Password Again? Recover Your Network Password in Windows

It happens to the best of us: we create a network password for our home router and then we forget it. Then you have a friend over or get a new gadget that you need to connect to your WiFi, and you just can’t remember the password to save your life.

In times likes these, you may be wondering the best way to recover your network password without having to reset your router. If you’re using Windows, here is an easy way for you to find out your existing network password.

You see that Network icon in your Windows taskbar? You’ll need to right-click on that and click on “Open Network and Sharing Center.”

What Was That Password Again? Recover Your Network Password in Windows

In the Control Panel window that opens up, click on “Change adapter settings” in the left column. In the next window, right-click the “Wireless Network Connection” option and then click on “Status.”

What Was That Password Again? Recover Your Network Password in Windows

Now you should see a Wireless Network Connection Status window. Click on “Wireless Properties” and go to the Security tab. Finally, check the box next to “show characters” and you should now see your network password.

via Tech-Recipes

Image Credit: FutUndBeidl