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How to Unlock the Dark Themes in Windows 10 Apps

While Windows 10 lets you choose from a variety of colors for theming, you're pretty much limited to a bright background. If you're trying to work at night, these blinding colors can make it hard to see your screen without having to wear sunglasses.

If you want to darken some Windows 10 menus, a trip to the Registry can set you up with this cool tweak. Remember that editing the Registry can be dangerous if you're not careful, so follow these steps closely.

Press Windows Key + R to open the Run menu and type regedit. Browse to this location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Themes > Personalize

If you don't have a Personalize folder, create one by right-clicking Themes and choosing New > Key; name it Personalize to get the job done. After this, right-click Personalize and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Its name should be AppsUseLightTheme. Set its value to 0.

Now, head to this key and do the same thing in this location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Themes > Personalize

Then, just log out of your account and jump back in, and check the Settings app and other locations to see the dark theme. If you decide it's too dark for you, head back to these locations and change their values to 1.

Note that the Windows 10 dark theme feature is easier to access if you're running the Windows 10 Anniversary Update or a more recent version of Windows 10. So if you don't feel comfortable editing the Registry, upgrade your Windows version.

Want to make Windows even darker? Check out our complete guide to blacking out Windows 10.

Do you like the Windows 10 dark theme, or do you prefer to keep things light? Leave a comment and tell us your preference!

Image Credit: Kim Wutimet via