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How to Manually Update the Windows 10 Store Apps

With Windows 10, you don't just work with desktop software; indeed, Windows Store apps (sometimes called Modern apps) are another kind of application Windows 10 supports.

While a lot of these are pre-installed garbage that you can purge altogether, you might have some Modern apps you actually installed yourself and want to update.

By default, Store apps will automatically update, but if you've turned off automatic app updates in an effort to thwart Windows 10's automation, it's a good idea to manually check for updates once in a while. Here's how to do so.

Open the Start menu and open the Store app. Next, click your user picture and choose Downloads and Updates from the drop-down menu. Hit the Check for updates button to run a check for new versions of your installed apps. If you get nothing back, you're in the clear!

Don't write off Windows 10 apps just yet. There are plenty of Windows 10 Modern apps that are worth a second look!

What are your favorite Windows 10 apps? Let us know which ones you like or hate below!

Image Credit: zaozaa19 via