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How to Say No to Windows 10 on Your PC

There's a lot of talk on the Internet about Microsoft forcing users to download and install Windows 10 on their PCs. In fact, we've covered it quite a bit on MakeUseOf, and we've offered a number of tips that will help you keep Windows 7 or 8 installed on your machine.

Thankfully, Microsoft is making it a tad easier to say No to the automatic Windows 10 update.

In the old way, Microsoft popped up a box with an option to "upgrade now" or "upgrade later." That's like walking into a car dealership and having the salesperson say "do you want to buy this car right now, or take it tomorrow?" What if I don't want it at all?

How to Say No to Windows 10 on Your PC

As it turns out, just like in a car dealership, you had the option to walk away just by clicking the X and closing the update window.

This was a little tricky, and thankfully, it's clearer now, as Microsoft now shows the date and time that update will occur, and below that there's an option labeled "Click here to change the upgrade schedule or cancel the scheduled update." If you don't want Windows 10, click that and then cancel it.

Remember, though, that Windows 10 will no longer be a free update after July 29. IF you do want the OS, make sure to install it before that!

What are your thoughts on this somewhat deceitful upgrade setting that was in place before?

Image Credit: Butterfly Hunter via ShutterStock, Tomshardware